Rocky Shores
Undine Street, Maroubra on Friday, 11 September 2020
This street runs steeply downhill towards the ocean and ends at a promenade above a rocky shore. At the corner is a pretty home with stained glass windows and a swimming pool at the front, facing the sea. The view is spectacular. It’s sunny and windy today.
Some front gardens have low-growing yellow or orange flowers with thick, fleshy leaves, which only grow on the sandy ground near the ocean. They are closing their petals early for the night while the sun is still out, at least two hours before dusk. Beyond the fence of a property is an orange variety of this flower in a rock bed. Someone has written a warning on an ugly cardboard box sitting next to it: “Do not pick the flowers”. It seems to defeat the purpose.
I walk along the path for some time until I see Maroubra beach in the distance.