Ada Place, Ultimo on Thursday, 4 February 2021
When I went to the Lord Wolseley Hotel last year, I noticed for the first time that there is an Ultimo part of Ada Place. The end near the hotel has kept its historic character with rows of cottages. Some sandstone, others nicely painted in white, pink, yellow, and cream. Plants in pots on the footpath. The only things disturbing the beauty are the rubbish bins. But I think it might still look more pleasant now than it did 100 years ago.
The Pyrmont and Ultimo part must have been connected once. The street seems to end at the overpasses in grey concrete with the glowing sculpture underneath. Beyond I discover that Ada Place indeed goes on as a small path at the backside of apartment blocks with lots of trees and greenery. It ends at Allen Street, a motorway exit off the Anzac Bridge. On the other side is the Pyrmont part of Ada Place which I discovered in April last year.